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Welcome to Open House

Hello! Welcome to my website!


My name is Stacy Quinn and I'm so happy to be able to see students (even if it is on a screen) and teach them Art this year. I have a lot of fun lessons planned for the year. Many are the same projects we would be doing if we were at school in person. Some topics we will be learning include lines, shapes, Art Elements, drawing, painting, printmaking, and collage as well as learning about many famous artists. 


I have sent each child home with an Art- To-Go bag filled with art supplies. They will need this bag every time they have an art class with me.  In the bag, they will have found a sketchbook that will be for Art class only as well as watercolor paints, crayons, a sharpie marker, a pencil, an eraser, some have color sticks or markers, construction paper, and worksheets. Being prepared when they sign on is very important. There will be some other materials I might ask your child to gather during our remote learning. Somethings that will be helpful to collect are  scissors, tape, styrofoam meat trays, 1 or 2 cereal boxes, a magazine, and a newspaper. 


For Specials, we have a 10-day rotation. So I see students for 10 days in a row. This is great for our Art class! This means we can start a project and continue with it every day until it is completed.  This keeps students engaged in the project and excited to come back the next day to continue working. During a rotation, we are usually able to complete 3-4 lessons or more. 


I have high expectations in my classroom as well as online. Your children always amaze me! They can do amazing things. I know this because I have seen it. In my art room, I never draw or touch the students' artwork. Please do not do their work for them at home either.  I will always show them step by step directions and repeat them as needed. If they have questions they are encouraged to ask. 


All the grades are starting the year with lines, shapes, and patterns. We are learning about Abstract folk artist Heather Galler and Gond Art from India.


We will be using Google Classroom and Seesaw for turning in artwork this year. Directions for this are given during the art class.  


If anyone has questions for me please feel free to email me at



or through  remind

or seesaw for grades K-2


I'm looking forward to a Fabulous year!


Stacy Quinn












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